Local public radio told me today that "most crashes occur on two-lane roads, not highways."
Maybe I don't know what a highway is. In my mind, a highway
is a two-lane road.
This is actually something that I've historically gotten confused. As I look up definitions, I find that there's not a ton of consensus, and some of the definitions depend on where you're from.
I've always gone with:
Freeway: uses on- and off-ramps. So the traffic flow is, like, free.
Expressway: same as a freeway, but bigger, and, maybe faster.
can be multiple lanes, can be limited-access, but can also be two-lane country roads. Two-lane country road is usually what I think of when I hear "highway". As in: "I grew up in a small town with a blinker light off Highway 46."
Parkway: no idea what this is.
As I did a little (very little) research, I found that many stories stating the "most crashes on two-lane roads" fact specify
undivided two-lane roads, like the ones I'm thinking of. I guess the story I heard needed to specify this.
Maybe "highway" is too generic. How about a new word? Maybe just call the divided highways "high ways". You know, divided.
No, that's stupid. "Divideways"? Gack.
Never mind.